In The Nude.
Discover this season's must have look and reveal a naturally beautiful you. The fresh-faced look of Spring is pretty and casual, yet totally feminine and puts the spotlight on your gorgeous, glowing skin.
So go ahead, let it all hang out.
(The following products have all been tested and recommended by the Love, Glamourette staff.)
So go ahead, let it all hang out.
(The following products have all been tested and recommended by the Love, Glamourette staff.)
First thing's first, it's all about the foundation. Whoever said your foundation can't do it all? With this foundation, available in Target stores, really covers up everything without giving you a weighed down feeling. Your face looks clear, radiant, and beautiful. Use: Sonia Kashuk Perfecting Liquid Foundation, $10
In order to achieve a glamourous, glowing complexion use a blush. For a dewy, bright, fresh-faced look, use a soft sheen cream blush. The creamy product is easy to apply and bonds to your foundation, making it last all day long. Use: Pantina Cheek Sweeps, $6
For especially bright eyes try using an eyelash curler. Curl lashes as to the lashlines as you possibly can, then again in the middle. Follow by applying one quick coat of a clear mascara, to hold the shape of your lashes. It'll give you a nice wide-eyed look, even on your most sleepy of days. Use: Revlon Expert Effect Lash Curler, $4 and CoverGirl Professional Natural Lash, $8
It all starts in the shower. By using a moisturizing shower gel, following by putting on a bit of your favorite floral or citrus scented perfume to give yourself the sweet, delicate scent of a fresh spring morning and make your skin silky smooth. Use: Marc Jacobs Daisy, $55 and Dove Moisturizing Beauty Body Wash, $7
Wandering about what to do with your hair? If it's straight, leave it straight, and give yourself a hippie-chic look, parting your hair down the middle. If your hair is curly pin it up in a cool messy bun. In between with wavy hair? Part it down the side for a true spring goddess look. Each style will aid in enhancing your perfectly beautiful, natural face.
- Giving you the style and beauty 411: Love, Glamourette
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